Pros and Cons of Self-Government (Incorporation) 7-3-2022

Hello all!

We hope you had a safe and happy 4th of July! Please find attached the link to the updated Pros & Cons as well as frequently asked questions and answers for your review. Please let us know if you have any questions, we are always available to assist.

Best regards,

Bob Morgan

Pros and Cons Flyer_Final-07-03-2022

4 thoughts on “Pros and Cons of Self-Government (Incorporation) 7-3-2022”

  1. I think that making the Village of Loxahatchee is a great idea. However, I think it is important that we talk about the need for term limits for all elected positions. Also, I think we really need to have a better idea on the costs associated with a new Village of Loxahatchee. We need to find out how much each elected position will cost the us.

  2. Worthwhile only if the municipal eliminates ALL codes except County/State/Federal which supercede local authority. Otherwise all we have done is change a distant tyrant in lieu of a local tyrant…

    1. The only codes we cannot change are considered “statutes”, mainly controlled by the State but I’m sure County may have a few that can’t be changed but the ones we are concerned about, can be. Eliminated? No, maybe a few in regards to fence height or something but we don’t want to make it a free for all. To cancel ordinances that don’t allow vehicle parking in the swales or streets, for example, is not one we would want to consider, in my opinion. That goes for most of them. We can change them to suit us better, yes.

  3. Yes ! We can create our own codes , all that will be done in the comprehensive plan and uldc for the proposed municipality. All using the charter created as a guide. The charter can only later be changed by a vote of residents

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